Excellent products emerge after long research and product development. Like the Obsidian pickup and Viper pickup arm.

Both products are the fruits of R&D conducted by Continuum Audio Labs over the past 10 years.

In ways, creating Obsidian was much like engineering an elite sports car. The knowledge our team gained in more than a decade of reference turntable design work could be considered its chassis. Obsidian’s innovative new DC motor, designed specifically for this turntable, is obviously analogous to the engine. As in auto design, metallurgy was critical—particularly in Obsidian’s extensive use of tungsten, an extremely high mass, inherently damped metal that our recent research shows is ideal for use in turntables. Of course, every great sports car deserves an innovative design, which in Obsidian takes the form of new elements such as a decoupled arm mount and a plinth-less base.

As do the world’s finest autos, Obsidian combines the work of many specialists into a perfectly coherent creation that delivers extraordinary performance. In fact, the creation of Obsidian demanded that we expand our “dream team” of top engineers and designers, bringing in new members with expertise in materials, physics and mechanics.

Obsidian’s visual aesthetics are as arresting as its sound. The plinth-less design places the tonearm and motor on separate, mechanically isolated mounts, so that any vibrations are thoroughly damped and/or channelled away from critical components. The simpler design eliminates many potential sources of resonance while creating an entirely new look that is revolutionary, yet driven by function.

Isolated tonearm base

Innovative motor

Oversized bearing

Reviews and Articles

Click for HiFi+ magazine review of Obsidian / Viper combo.